Antique Auction


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The lot includes: Introduction to Stamp Collecting taken from the Postal Service Guide to U,S, Stamps (25th Special Edition Provided free to beginning collectors. Catalog and Price List British North America Canada, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Pr. Edward Isl., British Columbia And Vancouver Isl. Postage Stamps, Fully illustrated, 1938, first edition. Linns World Stamp Almanac, A Handbook For Stamp Collectors, first edition. America 1900 - 1999 Letters of the Century, edited by Lisa Grunwald and Stephen J. Adler. Mystics guide to Stamp Collecting, Camden, New York 13316. United States of America 50 centavos Commonwealth - Philippines, Canal Zone - Guam - Philippines = Porto Rico and British Colonies, Economist Stamp Co. Inc., 87 Nassau Street New York. SCOTT Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers. SCOTT Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, 2015 Volume 5 N-Sam Countries of the World. Christies Robson Lowe New York Important United States Stamps and Covers, Tuesday, October 6, 1987. Krause-Minkus and Scott Catalog Number Cross Reference 2003 Standard Catalog of U.S. stamps 6th edition. 1931 - 32 Catalogue of the Stamps of Holland and Colonies Enumerating All types and Perforations with Additional Pricelists of Sets and Packets, Albums, Catalogues and Philatelic Accessories. The Stamp Finder Tells Country To Which Any Stamp Belongs U.S. Stamp Identifier, How to collect Postage Stamps. Stamps Collecting, Vintage Publications And Supplies, Home Library Specimen For Collectors.

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Overall good vintage condition. Signs of age and wear. Refer to photos. Sold As Is.

Estimate $100.00-$150.00

Winning Bid $10.00