A lot of 8 vintage books. Gone with the Wind, The Screenplay, edited by Shirley Howard, 1980. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish by Alexander Pushkin, with illustrations by A. Ermolaev in Russian, published by Detgiz, 1950. The Little Humpbacked Horse by Pavel Ershov, in Russian, with illustrations by Vladimir Milashevsky, published by Detgiz, 1964. Fairy Tree by Korney Tschukovsky, in Russian, with illustrations, published by Detgiz, 1956. The Arabian Nights, illustrated by Earle Goodenow, published by Grosset and Dunlap, 1946. You Are Only Old Once! A book for Obsolete Children by Dr. Seuss, 1986, in original dust jacket, with dedication on the flyleaf. Michael Todds Around the World in 80 Days Almanac, with color illustrations, published by Random House, 1956. Russian Imperial Style by Laura Cerwinske, published by Wings Books, 2003. Antiquarian Librarian Books For Collectors, Childrens Literature.
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